15 June: A pilgrimage to true happiness

From the Catholic Union. Let’s pray for all who are approaching close to death and for their loved ones. May we do all we can to value the elderly and frail, not letting them feel they are an intolerable burden; and may we encourage the close carers to seek and accept the help they need.
Thought of the week:
“Death haunts us when viewed as a journey into nothingness, rather than a pilgrimage to a place where true happiness is to be found” 
(Cardinal Hume)

In our guest editorial this week, Bishop John Sherrington, Lead Bishop for Life Issues, writes.

Tomorrow is the Day for Life with the theme: The Lord is my Shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life. The journey through death to merciful judgement and the hope of eternal life is unknown. For the person who is dying, it might therefore be a time of testing and apprehension. The theme offers hope and teaches that the lives of persons nearing the end of their earthly journey have infinite dignity, that life is a precious gift to be protected by law, and that each person deserves to be accompanied with compassion as they approach the moment of death.

The Day for Life is an opportunity to speak of the Christian witness of appropriate treatment, palliative care, and tender compassionate presence. The gathering of the Church around the person who is dying is a sign of solidarity as well as a pledge of hope in eternal life.
Thank you to all the healthcare professionals and carers, whose work is motivated by the love of Christ present in the most vulnerable, and to the members of the legal profession and parliamentarians who strive to protect persons from the threat of assisted suicide and euthanasia.
Bishop John Sherrington

Mosaic from Broadstairs Baptist Church, Kent.

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