11 June: Custodians of this Planet.

The Pope’s enduring efforts to reach across religious traditions serves as a reminder that faith is not a catalyst for division but a mainspring for unity. Indeed, in Islam, we are taught that the “Earth is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you his stewards over it.” From the concept of “tikkun olam” in Judaism, to the ancient teachings of Hindu dictums and the scriptures of many other religions, we see similar values of reverence for nature and concern for the future of our home.

Regardless of the differing beliefs we live our lives by, we share a collective duty as custodians of this planet. We inherited it from the generation that came before, and our shared goal is to pass on a sustainable one to the generation that comes after. And by working between faith traditions on the climate crisis, we double our gains. Not only do we make progress in addressing the great challenge of our era, but we also build respect, friendships and compassion in the process.

This is an extract from an article for The Tablet by Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London on the occasion of his being invited to a meeting with Pope Francis on the future of the planet. Mayor Khan points to the common belief that we are custodians of the planet and should work together, both for the planet and for the future of human society. The full article can be read here.


Filed under Daily Reflections, Laudato si', PLaces, Mission, jubilee

2 responses to “11 June: Custodians of this Planet.

  1. Totally agree – as the mother to two daughters, our responsibility as ‘global parents’ to the world has never felt more important!
    Linda xox


    • Thank you Linda! I hope you are not plagued too badly with the migraine. I will get my fix of gardening tomorrow, though the forecast is not wall-to -wall sunshine. Greenhouse here I come, possibly with 4 year old Stanley who has pumpkins growing there

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